TOP 10 MASS BGM'S IN TAMIL CINEMA - game akinator

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019


  1. Akash R: mass Thala bgm
  2. Partic Partha: thala than best
  3. Arun yuvan: Yuvan
  4. Akash Akash: Bgm king bro yuvan mass 😘😘
  5. Subashree B: Kaththi is best and first
  6. SANJAY RAMKUMAR: Mass theme pattaya kelaputhu
  7. simbusekar s: U1 king of bgm
  8. Virat MS: Mangatha india's no.1 bgm
  9. Mohammad Ashfaq: Tamil music is the best in the world
  10. Red Jaila: mankathaa da.....
  11. sasidharan s: Sir thuppakki bgm illaya . Athu semaya irukkume . Jikirthanda bgm avlo nallarkathe
  12. Ruba Venket: Vera level bro
  13. Bharani abbu rock: U1+THALA COMBO IS ALWAYS BEST
  14. Kumari Geetha: Ummma 🔥💋💋🔥💋💋🔥 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 🔥💋💋💋💋💋🔥 🔥🔥💋💋💋🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥💋🔥🔥🔥 Miss you so much!
  15. Niwas Jack: pongada
  16. bala kumar: mangatha mass bgm
  17. Suhas Varma: Duppaki Daaaw
  18. Chandru Barathi: Thalapathy da always
  19. Manu Bharath: Vikram vehda
  20. K Srikanth: Thala
  21. Raina D: VIP BGM idhalam vida supera irukum but adhu idhula varala
  22. Saravana Kumar: kathakkali is missing
  23. Raj Kumar: Thala mas
  24. Panja Nathan: Dai loosu punda bgm kathiya ne Sunni oobakoda lakiyailla
  25. Akhil B: Mass
  26. Srikar 2003: Kabali da
  27. nt_karthick thangadurai: Yes theri and 24 must be there
  28. 8778068373 8778068373: Where is vikramvedha
  29. R͟D͟ B͟a͟l͟a͟j͟i͟: What The Fuck... Do u really think That mangatha is better than Kaththi?😒😒😒
  30. ashwin selvam: Mass
  31. Varun Kumar: and also vivegam
  32. Molakaa kaaram: yes u1 is masss
  33. Ka.Elanthamizhlan: Bgm na lea U1 tha best
  34. കുവൈറ്റി 5037425_: 1. mangatha 2. kathi 3. jigarthanda
  35. Sandesh Reddy: i think thani oruvan must be in 3rd place..vere level bgm by hiphop thamizha
  36. arvind kumar: superb .....
  37. Sivasu: thuppaki enga da😡
  38. Pradip Shikhare: Kaththi is also number 1
  39. abdulilaah yousuff: Mankatha always !!!
  40. negtive posers: theri ,tuppaki, vip
  41. Enoch [Minecraft]: 3:08 tis is Kodi u fool
  42. Humaiz Azad: being a Vijay fan. have to admit Mankatha BGM is just brilliant.
  43. sasi tharan: Thala tha mass
  44. Bhanu Prakash: where is sarrinodu
  45. Ashik Khan: kathhi & mankatha super
  46. Yuvan shankar raja: Bgm na Yuvan 👈👈👈👈👈
  47. Red Jaila: thala da vera Evan da...
  49. Molakaa kaaram: yuvan mattum thaaaan anga massssssssssssssssssssss
  50. mj manoj: Nice bro
  51. siva karthick: U1 always Mass
  52. prabhakar j: Mass bgm copied from assasian creed pirates game
  53. Aroan Jijiplayzyt: 👌👌👌
  54. Venkatesh S: Thaamirabharani bgm um nalla irukum.
  55. Arvind Muralidharan: I expected THERI THEME MUSIC (VEDALAM) and THUPAKKI THEME MUSIC !
  56. MOVIE FREAK: In part 2 bro
  57. Velumalaiganesan arumugam: சூது கவ்வும்
  58. Mr Minions: BGM ah vida Thumbnail thama MASS
  59. samuvel M: Thuppaki bgm illa
  60. Nithin Prakash: You only question it because it was not acted by a mass hero. Jigarthanda is one of the classiest themes ever!
  62. Niwas Jack: kabali all time best
  63. Open Hearted: Where is Maari????
  64. Real Music: this is telugu
  65. Rafi GC: irumagan theme music lastla iruku..... jigardhanda theme nallavey irukkadhu adhellam top 10la iruku soothu kavvum theme semma mass theme adhu pinnad iruku.... mangatha nalla themedha bt 1st irukkaradhu semmma comedy.... Bhairava varala....thuppakkiii varala sami varala..... andha bayam irukkanumda
  66. Sakthi々 Dass: No 2 copy cat Anirudh
  67. Sreehari M: Where is thuppakki and theri
  68. Sijin Silva: Your top10s are good but best bgm is Vikram vedha
  69. Prasanna Kumar: santosh narayanan awesome score
  70. UDHAYA KUMAR M: out of 10,yuvan has 4.only legend can do this
  71. Kumar Dxz: Yuvan always rockers 😍😍
  72. Fakru Deen: mass bgm is pakka mass
  73. Govindaraj T Govindaraj. T: NO. 5 bgm super
  74. Senthilkumar Swamynathan: Hey hip hop is here😎😎😎
  75. Peter Magesh: U1
  76. vijay kumar: Wow
  77. Yuvan Viyaki: u1 thaaaandaaaaa
  78. Royalriyaz 65372: yara neee thalapathy bgm a first vai da
  79. Cric Lovar: only yuvan bgm is mass
  80. Jéévã jerry V: King of bgm #yuvan
  81. Sanath Krishna: No bgm will give goosebumps like #kabali
  82. Libin Das: KATHTHI should come first
  83. suriya SMK: Omg you have the wonderful bgm ever theri bgm was more than mangatha and to be frank theri bgm is not copied but mangatha theme music is copied if any doubt you can search it in Google 50cent
  84. Subbu Davids: Where Is Maari
  85. MOVIE FREAK: +GOWTHAM rr it's in part 2
  86. Diñu mohan: Omg... how many yuvan films......???? love u yuvan
  87. dinesh kumar: awesome
  88. The Scooter Life India: Mankatha 💯❤ Gives Goosebumps everytime :D
  89. Sapthagiri Siva: mankatha
  90. jeya pandi: Thala tha epothum best mass bgm for mankatha
  91. Ashok Kumar: Mass bgm ratchasan movie
  92. Sarathi 001: Surya MASSS
  93. TheDaRkPhOeNiX: kaththi ,mangatha ,kabali awesome. theri is also pretty awesome.
  94. kalai arasan: Awesome
  95. Back Benchers Boys: How many members like kabalii music ?
  96. dhana bal: kathi da
  97. samba siva reddy mula: Where is vijay's vikram veda 😎
  98. Prasanth Karthkeyan: UVAN
  99. adithya jm: im from kerala ,thani oruvan is the only movie in tamil which is in my favorite list.its a beautiful film
  100. Dhamo Dharan: Thala yuvan masss
  101. Vivek Kp: 1st kaththi
  102. Manoj prime: theri where it is
  103. Yeamin: 24 Is great I think
  104. Sudhakaran sundararaman: thala da
  105. Sasi Kumar: Always No.1 #Mankatha #Thala 😊
  106. Vijayalakshmi balachandar: There is lot of bgm is best than mangaatha
  107. arul kumar: Thala
  108. Surya Rajini: thuppaki , vip .. lam missing.. but yuvan bgm king
  109. AK srinath: Thala mangatha😍😍😍
  110. Sasikala R: Where is Vikram veda
  111. rohit kumar: Thala Ajith 😎😎
  112. fredrick edwin: Theri bgm........ One of the best.....
  113. Jaya Prakash: yuvan is the best
  114. Silaki Dum: Kabali BGM 3 ya???? Supera iruku unga rating....
  115. Ajith Sharp: Bongu. ..thupakki vedhalam Theri yenga
  116. muthu raj: yuvan thala than epothume top
  117. Udhaya Nithi: Thalaa
  118. miller enterting: vikram bgm mass
  119. Raja Mani: Billa bgm than no 1
  120. Santhosh. R: irumugan mass Bgm😉😉😍 vera level👌
  121. Ganga Maher: no sarrainodu bgm bro ?? btw these r all awsm Bgm,s
  122. Electrozz: where is atherya theme
  123. Prabhakaran K: Enga thala tha first
  124. Pari Divan: YSR is best
  125. MAHESH REDDY: Surya anna: mass bgm Super star :kabali bgm Vijay: Kathi bgm Ajith :mangatha bgm But I personally support and like Surya anna bgm very much
  126. thalapathy veriyan: where is aayirathil oruvan bgm
  127. SJ FreakZzZ: Irumugan,Thani oruvan,Mass
  128. Vivek Vishnu: kabal the spectacular. bgm
  129. Siva Kumar Dharani Dharan: Thala tha first
  130. Praveen Kumar: Thala dhan Sema 💪💪💪
  131. Wasim Wasim 003: yuvan is great
  132. sfk Afk: Anjan. ???
  133. Vasanth raj: ajith surya rajini vikrm
  134. prabhu surya: yuvan
  135. HANG ON VDEO: Thala daa
  136. v.k yuavn: Top 1 yuvan mass 09'''07''2018
  137. Boominathan Boomi: uriyadi is misses
  138. Shinoop K93: Thani oruvan...sooper ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  139. Balaji Raswanth: Yuvaannnnnnnn
  140. Hemanth Kumar: Kabali kathi Mankatha super bgm
  141. just entertainment: 10 should be first
  142. Rama Doss: Mangatha da
  143. M Mathi: Irumugan mass pgm
  144. Jaya Prakash: yuvan da
  145. Balamurugan thevar: thala masss
  146. Adil Hassa.n: Where is BGM of Vikram vedha😮
  147. Deepak Santhosh: Kaththi
  148. Chethan HM: Kathi is the best one
  149. கோ. சிவநேசன்: Dai manmathan correct machi theme engadaa
  150. Sanjay Varman: Billa 5th la iruku
  151. Priya krish: yuvan bgm 😘
  152. Sriram Karthick: Suryaa anna mass Bgm
  153. Dinesh Praveen: Thala daaaa👑👑
  154. Karthik Sakthivel: Where is theri and thuppaakki
  155. Venkatesh Babu: only U1 & ajith sir
  156. Nothing Ami: chiyan's is super
  157. Hima Rani: No like
  158. M.Kiruthiga Sri: Mangatha
  159. Esakki ram: uriyadi is miss
  160. Kumar Dxz: Yuvan than bgm ku yellam mass music director
  161. Yeamin: *★★★kaththi is real only ★★★*
  162. seyed ibrahim: mathu kopal my choice also that
  163. Karthik Semban: No one should forget Padayappa's ramya krishnan feet :)
  164. amsaveni kiruba: aravind swamy and arjun r the best villains of tamil industry
  165. Jithuz Jhoh: Superb
  166. Prasanth Prasanth: jerthanta 9 irumugren 4
  167. vijithkindyan: Bad selection
  168. sanjith sanju: Billa. The best mass and Forever kathi the marana Mass
  169. Shamas Muhammed: Thuppakki missed
  170. Rokesh: Where is Anniyan and Baasha
  171. Naveen Ranganathan: Thuppaki theme worth ella bro mangatha allaukku
  172. IMDU: Mangaththa only........ best bgm
  173. Yogesh mercy: Mass thala.... 😎
  174. Arvind Muralidharan: I know Thala and YSR mass
  175. Rajani Shegaonkar: Maari,mersal,
  176. whatsapp status: Basha is awsom bgm tamil most
  177. Akhil TT: Where is theri bgm
  178. Alex Yash: Last second ringtone is which movie
  179. Siva Bhanu prakash: Tmaizq da
  180. yuvan ysr: yuvan the. mass musical
  181. Deepak Bairavaa: man why billa is not in 1$t
  182. siva chandrakumar: yuvan yuvannnnnn
  183. truthseeker369: Maybe you can rate best themes for all the famous music composers; ARR, Harris, D. Imman, Santhosh N., etc. Then as per movies of various actors; Rajini, Kamal, Ajith, Vijay, etc. Then as per genres; best rock musics in Indian industry, list of mellow, list of ghazal, etc. A lot, dude.
  184. shoneesh besy: Kaththi bgm tha masss
  185. Sneha Tom: Kaththiiiii
  186. jack sparrow: 24 evide
  187. Raghul Suresh: Jigarthanda n soothu kavvum thavara ella mokka
  188. sailesh vel: Why did Jigarthanda got place in this list?
  189. Nivin Raj: Thuppakki, theri, maari
  190. J sandeep: vivegam should be there in first
  191. DARK POINT STUDIOS: If there is a bgm no one can replace u1
  192. Omprakash: How many of u know that mangatha will be @no 1 at d beginning of d video
  193. Anbuthamilan Anbuthamilan: Eppavume yuvan mattum dha, Adhum Thala special dha, then Anirooth, Hip hop Adhi, Harri al so
  194. DRAGON GAMER: What is the best site for download this tones
  195. Kavin Yuvan: Mankatha da
  196. Andavan Andavan: Thala😎😎😎
  197. Durga prasad NABANI: mass
  198. la putain de ta madre rk: Thala,thalapathy,surya and rajni semaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaassssssssss
  199. William Joans: God of bgm #yuvan
  200. Unknown Facts: Kip Sare poda
  201. paper craft teach: Thala Thala Thala
  202. maria amali: u1
  203. Aroma Elza: Kaththi 😍😍😍😍
  204. Lionel Venky: theri shud be there
  205. Haris Popzeinz: mangatha va ha ha ha
  206. Anandhan Alagesan: U1 rockz
  207. A Prakash: Kabali is a first rank bgm
  208. TAWHID AFRIDI: Where is saamy bgm??
  209. Shamsul Risana Risana: That Mankata bgm was copied from foreign movie "Avatar" Google
  210. Senthilkumar Swamy: Bgm king u1& soul of music ar.r
  212. Virat MS: Mankatha best bgm
  213. Suresh S: Whereis24bgm
  214. Kamarul Ariffin: many list not there
  215. M.Subash Chandra: Yuvan rocks
  216. aseemcrjr aseemcrjr: Thala
  217. Anwar Anwar: anwar
  218. venkateshwar reddy: maari is far better then these......
  219. Raja Sekar: hip pop tamilan bgm is a mass
  220. Justin sam jose: Kathi is best
  221. ANAND SHANKAR: Mankatha trending👌👌👌
  222. Srighanesh Sri Kanth: Diñu mohan ..yes
  223. Siva Prasad: I think so u missed thuppaki
  224. AHAMED BHADHUSHA: The rating is not so far where is theri
  225. Abhi krishna: kaththi theme is better than mankatha
  226. Shafi Photography: Rajini
  227. Nagulan Ramya: கத்தி பிஜியம்முக்கு முன்னாடி மங்காத்தா பிஜியம் ஒர்த் இல்ல தவறான ரேட்டிங்
  228. Parthiban Ganesan: padayappa???
  229. Nagaraj Nagaraj: Mankatha da
  230. moulee vijay: kathi is no.1
  231. Buvanes physics buvanesWaran: merattal theme fr yuvan
  232. Js Jaga: my fovrat movi
  233. Androws sujai: Thala thaan daa maas
  234. kumar vj: Where is epic kokki Kumar theme
  235. Tamil What's app Status 3.O: Kathi is the mersall bgm
  236. Cool Mithun Raju: what about arrambam
  237. Alaipayuthe Arun: Where is vikram vedha bgm ?? & ccv bgm ??
  238. save syria: vjs soodukawum
  239. Yasir Hameed: Plzzz Kathi bgm
  240. first name: Vivegam meresal vedhalam VIP yennai arindhaal & many more
  241. Senthil Venkat: kaththi bgm is the best ever in tamil cinema
  242. John kennedy: Kabali Frist Neruppuda nerunkuda
  243. Surya Kumar: Super
  244. Richard jones: Thuppakki yangada
  245. dhinesh dhinesh: Kathi Kathi will first
  246. Gilli Ganesh: Santhos is well
  247. RENJITH SJ: Yuvan >>>God. Of bgm mass
  248. SD DWARA KESH: Mankatha waste kaththi mass
  249. Rohith R Ri: Thani oruvan 1st
  250. mathu kopal: soodu kowum must be first
  251. Andrew Charles: Viswaroopam?
  252. Nagendra Babu: mankata da
  253. ஸ்ரீநாத்Nk ராஜன்: U1 daaw🔥
  254. MOVIE FREAK: It's in part 2
  255. தமிழன்: Kip Sare athane😂😂
  256. Semby Pasanga: Yuvan da
  257. Fazil Hussain: Where is Maari??
  258. Mohamed Ahamed: 😎
  259. thala Vimal: thala mangatta semma
  260. Aneesh Peethambar: Where z pokkiri bgm....all time mass bgm of tamil film industry 👏👏👌👌👍👍
  261. Sainath Suri: Katthi and gambler are irreplaceable
  262. Lr Ajay: online Ajay Singh college
  263. Moses Gregory: where's bahubali???
  264. Venteshbabu Somepalli: Mankatha ra
  265. MOVIE FREAK: +Mr Minions tq dude
  266. Rakesh Raki: Rafi GC oolu elam odadhe
  267. madhavan M: Kabali than 1st erukunum
  268. Thala veriyan: no 1 great
  269. purushotham puru: where is bogan it has awesome BG music than all .....
  270. sudheer tanga: Gambler all time hit
  271. arun kumar: Yuvan rockzz.
  272. Anoopjohn Tcs: thuppaki bgm is always Mass
  273. 4u Sheik: Kathi mankatha rendume copy
  274. Hariharan Hari: தலயும் தலயோட BGM ம் எப்போதும் NO: 1 THANNN
  275. Thala vj: Thala. ....
  276. K.Dhanasekar sekar: Thala great...
  277. poovarasan chittu: Mangatha data😎😎😎😎
  278. Vikrant Waghmare: Kabali should be no 1
  279. Dhanish jocker: Where is vikaram vadha
  280. Molakaa kaaram: sssssssssssssss
  281. John kennedy: Fake Reading Wast chennal
  282. Naveen .m: Where is thuppakki.
  283. vijay janu vj: Mangathada thale
  284. SYAMKRISHNAN A R: where is 24 and Theri.....???
  285. satya sahoo: Where is VEDALAM AARAMBAM VIVEGSM
  286. Anwar Malik: billa is the best
  287. MOVIE FREAK: It's in part 2 bro
  288. Pravin P: U1 😍😘😘
  289. Sachin Surya: Kaththi theme massss
  290. Deepak Bairavaa: i love billa bgm
  291. Hrithik Menon: Where is theri maari Bhairava vedalam
  292. Mani Eswar: UDHAYA KUMAR M ss Yuvan🙏💪❤😍😘
  293. Nadesh Sharp: sketch theme
  294. Anand R: yuvan is the king of bgm
  295. Chiyaan Ajith: Irumugan
  296. Karthik V: Finally Yuvan Shankar Raja Won
  297. LEMURIAN MEMES: thuppaki enga bro
  298. Arun arunesh: where is manmadan bgm?
  299. Mahes Wari: surya
  301. Govindaraj T Govindaraj. T: Thala bgm da super
  302. Imran Imran: 3
  303. Devadarshini DDD: Masss♥️♥️thani oruvan maybe on the top🔥🔥
  304. TIME PASS MACHINE: irumugan top 5 la vandhu irrukanum ?
  305. Hrishabh Singh: Kabali
  306. Sathishkumarks Rathnam: Masss,billa bgms pakka love you yuvan anna...
  307. Vijayvasanth vasanth: Thalaivar thala thala thalaivar
  308. Hema Varssini: I agree with this video but i think thani oruvan should be first
  309. Surya Vsk: Nambita
  310. Edward Liwingston: where is Thuppakki , We don't like mass Theme song,
  311. Santhosh Santhanam: all bgm is pakka maass...
  312. lin ashlin: where is kilukkam
  313. YUVARAJ SINGH: Where is Vikram vedha BMG?
  314. MS Bala Creations: The ultimate yuvan bgm tan
  315. Malhi Karan: nanaku premaatho
  316. Naveen Ranganathan: Irumugan 4 place kuduthu erukkanum
  317. jaga theesan: Thala still the bgm mass & forever
  318. S cuts production: y there is mass bgm..?? where is thuppaki n theri
  319. Vijay John: Vijay is no 1
  320. Olivier Nash: Enthiran theme enga dawwww!!!!!!
  321. Ajmal Ajuzz: Ajith and vijay
  322. Mohamed Marsook: Number one is patsha
  323. Karan Prabhu: King of BGM.. YUVAN
  324. Varun Vaan: Thala
  325. Thala pukal Thevar: தல போல வருமா
  326. ram vijay: poda punda thalapathy than eppiyume mass ,man of mass so he should be first
  327. Manjula Baskar: billa 2 and mankatha 😎 massss level infinity
  328. sandy 17: kabali &kathi
  329. Moidu Ym: what about maari
  330. Ajay Mev: How to download
  331. Ram M: Nice collections
  332. Chinmay Patil: where is maari????
  333. Vijay Anbu: thala eppouma gethu
  334. SRV Rahul Vishwa: Ivan ajith fan
  335. Saleem.s Ahamed: masss
  336. sample status: Yuvan is bgm 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑king
  337. D. Yogesh: Yuvan bgm king.
  338. Batsha Bai: Surya thaan mass
  339. Surya music team: thala mangatha 1st best them Kollywood
  340. anilscreters anilscreters: maghata
  341. Mohammed Shahil: I want Veda’s entry
  342. premkumar s: mangatha da
  343. Ardhath: thala than masssssss
  344. charuwin c2j-cr7: sailesh vel jigarthanda is d one of d best bgm ever.......
  345. Naresh V: 😂😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏🙏
  346. Grace x tonix moses and meshach: Mass is kaththi and mangatha
  347. mr. every thing: Thal thala thala thala fully goosebumps only........
  348. Mani Eswar: Yuvan always top 1 😘😘😍😍
  349. Theri baby Rock: Thalapathy mass da fake
  350. Adinath Manu: K
  351. Mageshwary Mageshwary: eppome enga thala dha top
  352. khammam Diaries: Bro plz Tell me (06-36) Bgms movie name
  353. abdul salam: I thought sethupathy also made the list
  354. Kiran Kiransaravana: VIP b mass
  355. MOVIE FREAK: +adithya jm Check it out
  356. Ashwin S Thomas: IRUMUGAN 1st
  357. kartik nithiyanandam: the bgm king yuvan 😍
  358. Venkat Raj: U1
  359. Shalik Ash: Diñu mohan yes billa and mankatha superb.
  360. De Awriora Rora: There are 6 to 7 bgms in Kaththi.......all high level........anirudh made an epic bg score for kaththi
  361. DEVU SRINU: thala thala thala thala thala thala thala thala thala thala thala
  362. R.T 07: Thala da
  363. Mohammed Naveeth: marri????
  364. jonnes vasanth: Where vikram vadha
  365. KARTHIK SAAHO: Kabali
  366. SUBRAT RANJAN NAYAK: Mankatha always no1 till 2050
  367. pradeep moorthi: thani oruvan should be the first
  368. Arjun Arjun: mass thalaivaaaa
  369. SREEKANTH 22 VLOG: where is 24 ?
  370. Saajir Abootty: Where is vikram vedha
  371. smart Iliyas: U1 rocks
  372. sudhakaran karthika: thank you for ajith
  373. Pes love cr7: Koki Kumar enge????
  374. ķàřťhî டன்சு: சூர்யா😍
  375. vasanth whity: 4 Yuvan bgm.. 1st-mid-10th😎😎😎 !! Isai thala #yuvan 😎
  376. Kowsalya Kowsalya: mangatha all time fav bgm
  377. விஜய் வெறியன் kavi: thalapathy daa
  378. Bala Bala: கத்தி Bgm vida mangatha thaan marana mass bgm
  379. Manoj prime: vedalam also
  380. Jilla Balaji: vikram vetha missing
  381. I am Human: Wow awesomeeee bgms
  382. Srini Vasan: mankatha was apt choice even though Kathi was good
  383. Mohamad maideen: Thani oruvan than 1st irukananum
  384. Vighnesh S Kulal: irumagan, thala, mass is best from Darshan boss fans
  385. Rudra Solar Thiruvarur: Baatcha movie theme music kettutu apram list sollunga
  386. ajith Kumar: கத்தி
  387. Jairam reddy: where is mari?!
  388. Andi Thurai: mangatha and kaththi
  389. Manoj Iswar: u1 mass
  390. sandy 17: thalapathy masss
  391. Venteshbabu Somepalli: Thani oruvan
  392. Siva Bhanu prakash: ARR daaaa
  393. AK TREVOR: Kaththi movie bgm copied from Hollywood
  394. Toretto Editzz: Where is thuppakki
  395. Nothing Ami: chiyan's is super
  396. Mr. Me: த்தா கத்தி டா 👊👈
  397. Mani Kandan: Basha enga da
  398. Vicky un lucky: replace mass with thupaki
  399. Parthasarathy A: Where is THUPPAKI BGM
  400. akhil krishna: maarii.........???????
  401. Ashik tirur: kaththi is first
  402. MEGHARAJ MR7: mass
  403. Kavya Naveen: luv u yuvan anna
  404. satheesh deny: prabakaran m kandippa ..bro masss dhan gethu
  405. The Protaganist: Dei Mankatha kaththi nu adichikiringa.. ARR Thalaivar ku potadhu, ratchagan, mudhalvan lam potta endha BGM um list la irukadhu.. Elam copy adikama pottadhu... Mankatha 50 cent pottadhu..Thirudirkan unga BGM king. kelunga da kitta thata ore maari irukum
  406. Sri vijay: bgm naala yuvan great mangatha wooooooooow
  407. Mohammed Asif: Mangatha dha.........
  408. Venedict_Musical_Productions _: yuvan the bgm king
  409. Andi Thurai: all my fav bgms
  410. mr. every thing: But where is baahubali???
  411. karthikeyan kathirvel: Please here on head tamil musicians give awesome feeling...😘😘😘
  412. Online Trending: Hey .. copyright issue varalaya monitize pannathuku ?pls tell
  413. Naveen Ranganathan: Thuppakila theme ella da dai
  414. Nadish Devaraj: u1 bgm massss✌✌✌
  415. Karthick N: vera chanel la super star kku tha first kudupaga.....niga correct ah solirukiga.......
  416. Daxo ____: Where is Vikram vedha?
  417. D.C star: Veedalam has best bgm
  418. Hussain Ahamed: where is vip
  419. Thibhan Anar Malay: can't accept mankatha no.1
  420. laxman lax: anirudh and Harris jayraj movies most of the BGM are good. but not uploaded in this videos
  421. Virat MS: Where is veeram & vedalam bgms?
  422. mass raj: Semma
  423. stolen stories: My channel is kabalikathar inside stolen stories pls see
  424. Muzammil Ibrahim: ENDING Tilte BGM is from Dulquar's CHARLIE Movie😍😍😘
  425. JayamRavi fans: best of bgm Thani oruvan
  426. Sharu Khan: nalla comedy 😂😂😂😂 ellathayum sirikka veikkureenga semma
  427. shivaradhan konda: kabali...
  428. sm masoodahmed: WE ARE ALWAYS WIN
  429. Rock AP: In my opinion thuppakki want to come in 1 or 2
  430. sakthidharan guna: Mangatha and kaththi rendume onnuku onnu salachadu kidaiyadu agree???
  431. Meenakshi Chintapalli: Where is maari
  432. Panja Nathan: Fist and two Thala mangatha billa bgm
  433. D. Yogesh: Pudhupettai yengga ?
  434. Arun Kumar: thala mazz da
  435. Söñy Stätús Vîdéøs: Thala thaan gethu
  436. Abi Krishna: Billa masssssssssss
  437. தல மோகன்: Thala u1 🔥🙌
  438. Action Series: kaththi.... 🤗🤗🤗😀😀😀😍😍
  439. Gijogeorge Gijo: Where is Thuppakki BGM
  440. Thanga Murugesh: kabali rockzzz
  441. Fanu Fanu: Mass suriya
  442. Sridharan Rx: Nice I Like Bro I Love Thala...Ur Correct...Mankatha Is Best B.G.M In All........All Like It....
  443. anilscreters anilscreters: billa
  444. global evolution: Where is thuppaki theri
  445. deviramesh38 007: where is kathi
  446. Sanjay N.S: All time hits bgm no doubt mankstha guys
  447. Barath Ganesh: I love surya
  448. Varun Kumar: where is bairavaa
  449. Nallaiyas: Super
  450. adams darwin: Mangatha da....
  451. Jagatheshwaran G: wrong rating thanioruvan 1st da
  452. Pramod Pammi: Thala thala thala 😍
  453. Paranthaman Lee: mankatha da
  454. ARJ ABH: What the hell, where's "Vikram Vedha" bgm!!???
  455. Kip Sare: the king maker on top
  456. Pradip Shikhare: Vijay fans like here
  457. spartans 300: 4 BGMs are YUVAN'S U1 is the king of BGM
  458. Niranjan wolverine: Yuvan fan da....
  459. vinu illathumad: vikram vedha
  460. Praveen Pjs praveen jayaram Pjs: Thalaaaaaa
  461. Freakoz Tamil: Where is theri ?????
  462. Harikesanallur Venkatraman: Thani oruva should be no 1
  463. Aaun Khan: Vikram vedha
  464. only movies: Surya mass
  465. Md Faiyad: Where is bhairava
  466. ganesh palani: dude wr is batsha thuppaki
  467. Karthik Karthikeyan: katti
  468. Yuvan Krishnan: kabali no1
  469. Sulthan Sulthan: mangantha bgm kollywood kingmaker
  470. Ajith Veriyan Siva: Thala da
  471. Abdul Wathuth: Thani oruvan always mass maaaa
  472. goutham blaze: where is maari?
  473. TGP vines: 8th👌
  474. Vasuki Thangavel: Mass BGM semma...🤝😊
  475. m.sathish kumar: 4 out of 10 is yuvan
  476. mass Krish: mass da
  477. ASWIN RC 702: +MOVIE FREAK okk
  478. Aravindhan Aravind: Baasha movie la Deva sir adicha bgm lam engaya?
  479. Jiju Jagadish: Not a fan of Ajith,Vijay or surya etc..but of Tamil cinemas...only thing I felt is Tamil movie BGMs are the best in Country..especially Mankatha...Wow! what a composition.. the best in mass cinema... hats off to YuvanShankarRaja sir...:)
  480. Albin 5529: Vedalam bgm bro
  481. Sriraam Sandy: where thupakki maari theri dam fools
  482. HARSHA ROYAL: where is the #ajith saar vedhaalam movie bgm its rock music in boat fight
  483. THE INCREDIBLES: Thala only first
  484. Radha Krishna 8309389865: where is 24
  485. Niranjan M: If we rewrite will be on the first place
  486. Aakoooz Tamil: Enga pa superstar oda sivaji theme ah kanam
  487. S K chanel: Thala is always best
  488. Vignesh M: Mankatha
  489. Prateek Anand: Thala Ajith.
  490. Arun Arvind: Shyam sundar Kalyanaraman Unakku yenga yeriyudhu
  491. Rahin Raj: Masss.... Surya Anna 😊😊😍
  492. Frames Of Paradise: Kabali is the best😎
  493. Ting🔔: Listen to this best kaala Villain BGM. Must listen
  494. Bharath Kumar: the king maker always wins 😎
  495. M Prabha Karan: Kabali tha first poda nerupu da
  496. Rajendran C: ajith the best
  497. ടെക് brothor Z: I
  498. punith kumar: where is vikram vedha
  499. Sri vijay: thala mangatha daaaaaaaa
  500. Freakoz Tamil: Where is there!!!!!
  501. SRV Rahul Vishwa: The first should be as VIKRAM VEDHA
  502. AsH: Bhanu Prakash its Tamil movies not telugu..
  503. Shyam sundar Kalyanaraman: Billa da
  504. Ronaldo Pranay: I like kaththi
  505. Kuganesh Velu: this is fake
  506. Balachandran R: super
  507. global evolution: Kaththi only first wrong information
  508. Thamizh musicals: Yuvan....king of for the reason.....get almost max places to yuvan....even #1 too..
  509. Aravind vel: bgm na adhu u1 matum dhan
  510. Gokul Karthi: instead of jigarthanda nd kaththi u should have added VIP and thuppaki
  511. Msr ramasamy Msr ramasamy: Where is tuppaki, theri, bairava, mersal and sarkar BGM. Please add the list
  513. Vysya Company: Thani oruvan fans hit like😎😎
  515. Abdual Fazil: super mass thala bgm 1 thala yaniku 1 tan
  516. Mani Manikandan: eppvum thala than mass
  517. Asogan pal: i donno how chennai_28, mass shits came in top 10.
  518. yuvaraj d: Thala........
  519. Andheri Lion: Thani oruvan , irumugan , mass 👌👌
  520. IDLY CHUTNEY: thalaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  521. CSC Kodungallur:
  522. V1: mass conman theme is pakka mass
  523. Pardhu Surya: suriyaaa daaa
  524. Zwairia Fathima: MOVIE FREAK vijayaka9
  525. Diñu mohan: MASS BGM nale #YUVAN_dan from an #ARR fan
  526. Razor Rao: where's bairava ,theri ,tuppaki ,maari ,chennai 600028 2 maruthapaandi bgm...
  527. aravind s M: Me
  528. lovely ram: kaththi
  529. suda ravi: thala than maasss thaan gethu thaan
  530. Aruna Chalam: where is bairava
  531. Energy99: Maas surya theme and Billa theme! Evergreen
  532. lalitha p: Hey where is theri,bhairava
  533. Gnana Sekar: thala
  534. Akshay Appu: Vijay best BGM
  535. ullas kumar: where is theri and thupakki
  536. RAJINI MUTHU RAJINI MUTHU: kabali first
  537. mari kumar: vikram movie the mass 😎😎😎😎😘😘😘
  538. αв rαнυмαи: #1 тнαℓα ∂αα
  540. DM Creations: #Maari kandittillae???
  541. heroiens hot videos c: talaa
  542. RMZ STUDIO: Support me ... I had created a mashup it and support me... Fiat patmani is used to create that BGM
  543. payrin raj: mangatha fan spotted..... ...
  544. Karthiregi Karthiregi: hip hop thamizha
  545. beastkalam cr7: wher is theri
  546. Gokulviswanathan Ramasubramanian: #Thala the king always.....😎😎😎😎
  547. Arun De maria: Thaladha mass yeppomea......
  548. Mani Kandan: unga work is very poor
  549. Premjith.P Kannan: he thupaakki is first
  550. nt_karthick thangadurai: Where is 24
  551. Jagatheshwaran G: jigarthanda nooo masss BGM
  552. Chinna Durai: ar rahman in ratchagan all time first
  553. Kesavan A: bgm king #yuvan 😘😘
  554. Aadharsh Achu: Thala mass
  555. anilscreters anilscreters: sivaji
  556. Karthiregi Karthiregi: hip hop thamizha
  557. Mythili Viswanathan: What about pudhupettai theme? It is one of Yuvan's best themes.
  558. NAVEES K: Kathi's bgm is first man
  559. Rajendiran M: fantastic themes mainly mangatha
  560. Lakshman S: yuvan is a bgm donnnnn
  561. Theri Baby: ponga da kaththi dha eppayume first
  562. Lingeswaran Prabhakaran: BGM music king in yuvan
  563. Ajith Raja: Thala dhaan king!
  564. KaVi rOcKeY: thala rock's
  565. Murali Ankuri: Indian best moves TAMIL 👌👌👌
  566. Prithi k: 4 yuvan😎😎 out of ten
  567. Jenston Raja: Lionel Venky yes
  568. Sreehari haripuram: The video ends with bgm of #charlie #dq
  569. Kumaresan Kumaresan: vip
  570. Fahad Ahamed: where is endhiran, 24,ennai arindhal and thuppakki
  571. johin creations: correct order bro all bgm are pakka mass
  572. Rasith Ahamed: Vj daa
  573. Tamil selvi: மாஸ் bgm நா எப்பவும் யுவன் சங்கர் ராஜா தா அதுல எந்த யோசோனையும் அனா சில படங்கள் மூலம் புகழ் பெற்ற அனிருத் சந்தோஷ் நாராயணன் பாராட்டாமல் இருக்கா முடியாது
  574. Raj Kumar: 6&5&1
  575. Fredric Michael: Bro where is theri,bairavaa,mersal
  576. Aravind Raja: you were miss the vizhvarubam BGM
  577. AzarU Deen: thala is number 01
  578. CK S: Thuppakki ??
  579. Vivek Vivek: kathi
  580. Black Cock: sooper
  581. Heamu Heamu: Diñu mohan ^
  582. sivapragas raji: Best video super
  583. vuppula hemanth reddy: what about 24
  584. sathish mlr: Old tamil movies bgm la oru collection ah video pannunga bro
  585. Comedy Club: I llike Mass music
  586. suresh pugazh: mass & mankatha nothing can stand with these
  587. praba karan: bgm na enga the great ilayaraja masssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss bgm na epavum enga bro yuvan shankar raja tha first the king of mass bgm music directer in the cinima
  588. NEW GENARATION: vijay sethupathi vitch movie
  589. Semby Pasanga: 4 yuvan scored films
  590. Akash Raj: Thala is always first......
  591. Sakthi SV: Uriyadi theme is the best.. atha neenga kekalaya?
  592. Amizhdhini Samy: Thala da
  593. lalitha bhuvaneswari: Thalapatht dhan mass
  594. Karthik Murugesh: Thank the mass
  595. GOWTHAM INDIANFIRE: Thuppakki intro bgm is much more better than this bgm and theri is also better bgm than all this series
  596. Sri Vathsav: Bro,Veeram missing!
  597. MOVIE FREAK: Thalaiva ithu oru varushathuku munnadi upload panna video ithalapoi ccv enganu keta na enna pannuvan
  598. _cal_me J: vj
  599. Sanjay Kumar: Sword of destiny
  600. Sanjeevan Manivannan: kabali and kaththi best
  601. Muhammad Ashraf: Anjaan need to add
  602. partha sarathy: billa should be in top3.........soodhu kavvum should be in top 5
  603. Mohan Kumat: bgm na yuvan mass na adhu thala
  604. gowtham sekar: U1 rockzzzz in dis list
  605. selvam R: Mankatha nice but kathi is best
  606. Unknown Facts: Shyam sundar Kalyanaraman haha sketch padame copy daa
  607. Vignesh Waran: Kabali should be first........
  608. sscomputers ikt: Mass surya da
  609. Amina Isra: Irumugan and mankaatha
  610. sillambu arasan: Thala Thala Thala Thala
  611. sushil kakde: 2 is best
  612. SAN TAMIL Gammy: tala talapaty🙌🙌🙋
  613. truthseeker369: Billa 1 should be in the list, not Billa 2's theme. Soodhu Kavvum and Thani Oruvan ( _Shilpa shoots_ theme, supposedly) is underrated.
  614. sagarreddy A: Romba .....mass ajth
  615. GOPI NATH: Irumugan 😘😘
  616. romanreigns kaushal army: u1 rocks others shock
  617. Sneha Tom: Wbu
  618. N star videos: Kaththi is no.1
  619. The Lost Indian: Bhairava
  620. MoØratU TAMILAN: Thuppaki bgm engaaa broo
  621. rizwan raacky: Thani oruvan...
  622. Santhosh Khan: yuvan is best for mass bgm.
  623. vijai raj: super ster
  624. Hari haran: Rafi GC hahahaa😂😂😂 katharathaaaa...paalvadiii payyan pechuuu
  625. Vijay Siva:
  626. rijo jose: Irumugan bgm🤩❤️❤️ Masss . Where is 24-bgm & Anjan- bgm ?
  627. Malligesh Wari: Kaththi is first
  628. Jeevithesh mahesh: Wat abt maari...
  629. naren subra muthukumar: Santhosh Narayanan and yuvan are the best in bgms and songs too
  630. Hariharan Hari: தலயும் தலயோட BGM ம் எப்போதும் NO: 1 THANNNa
  631. Narendra kumar Surendran: Yuvan 💪🏻🙌🏻 Magician in theme music 😍
  632. Dinesh Jason: U1 the god of bgm
  633. vetri selvan: மங்கத்தா டா.... 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
  634. Zoharathul Fathima: Vijay is the besttt
  635. Charan srinivasan: Haha
  636. John kennedy: Kabail tha Frist nee enna sonna poda punda
  637. Kowsalya 711996: thani oruvan , billa ,Kathi , mangaatha..they are maaaaassssssssss
  638. Kry_Tech: thani oruvan should be in top 5
  639. Kalachar V M: Still Mankatha charts the top...
  640. Krishnan Narendran: Thalaaaaaaaaa 😎😎😎
  641. rajaganapathi RKO: Thala ajith
  642. Molakaa kaaram: yuvan is best and massss
  643. vinoth kumar: 4.29 Nice
  644. Y 24 Studio: Spice and nice
  645. Arun P Raj: Last BGM Charlie Mass...
  646. Gilli Ganesh: Yuvan avan yeman in music would
  647. sundar esan: Akash Singh Mankatha
  648. Praveen Kumar: awesome
  649. Vignesh Waran: always THALA rocks
  650. Mahes Wari: mass
  651. YOHESHWARAN UDHAYA SANKAR: where is 24 movie Aathreya bgm.
  652. Varun Britto: where is thuppakki???😠😠😠
  653. Pramodh Kumar: I think this is your favorite top10
  654. Venteshbabu Somepalli: Vikram
  655. Babu Lesnar: Mankatha best and Geth billa Mass
  656. anbu selvam: Raatchasan best bgm king
  657. Jaikishore R: posterla pota 24 bgm'e varalayaaa
  658. Ravi Shankar: Vikram vedha and bairavaa also mass
  659. Akilesh Waran: Thalapathy mass kathi
  660. Sanjay San: where is vikram vedha?
  661. logesh krish: Where is Thupakki and Theri Adam
  662. Cric Lovar: suriya masss BGM is my favourite
  663. sandy raj: yuvan rocks
  664. S Mani: Vijay thanda ennaikum Mass da
  665. M.ananth M.r.a: Thala bgm than masssssss
  666. vaishnavi thesuper: My best is thani oruvan and my fav surya's 24
  667. APVF 2017 unit: kaththi and billa super
  668. ASHWIN KUMAAR: Mangathadaa
  669. share vids: Vip maaari kodi la engada kenapu... asinga paduva otha.. Vachidu dhanush fandra
  670. bgm status: chanceless
  671. Pranav Vigjay: Jigarthanda replaces 24!?
  672. AK srinath: Thala Mass two times by yuvan
  673. Sam joshua: Thala is always ultimate
  674. PSG FOOTBALL AND CHENDA , CLUB: Irumugan hearing with head phone..... Massss
  675. guy with a nice haircut: u1 eppovum mass than
  676. Kirushna Kirushna: Surya than mass
  677. N C SUDHAKAR R: Thala than mass........😘😘😘😘😘
  678. Revu Revu: Kathi supereb
  679. Bala Soon786: Number one indian movie bgm
  680. manu.s Manu.s: Massss 😍😍😍😍😍 osm
  681. மதி தமிழன் கர்ணன் அர்ஜுனன்: ஜீ சிவாஜி த பாஸ் வரவே இல்ல இது வந்தா மங்காத்தா கானாம போயிருமே
  682. devils chanenel: Thala da
  683. mohammed kaleel mushthaq ahamed: mangatha dawwww
  684. Shalik Ash: no BGM even can come close to PADAYAPPA, it's super MASS. but missing in his list. some poor selection of BGMs only 50% looks good. 👎
  685. Jazeem Khan: Always yuvan is best for bgm...
  686. Ajith T: Thala mass
  687. Senthil Kumar: Super
  688. Gokul Nath: Thala BGM masss
  689. Kathir No Fear: Where is thuppaki
  690. Deepak Raj: where is vishvaroopam
  691. Hari Alto K10: no 1 thala
  692. Jeeva K: bgm nale adu yuvanda
  693. Roy Santhosh: iru mugan is best
  694. Dhana ratchagan: Pudhupettai variya bgm????
  695. s vignesh: yeppavum bgm na thala tha
  696. Kumar devraj: Where is the theme song of VikramVedha
  697. K.Venkat Kowsik: poi sonnalum alavoda sollanum kathi 2nd aam mankatha 1staaa
  698. Rendu Masal vadai: nala illa
  699. Nandha 1996: U1 Mankatha bgm
  700. Srikanthi Akkineni: Vikram and surya and vijay's once r the best of all other in this video😘
  701. Jagadhees waran: Hey vikram vedha enga
  702. vishnu iyer: Baasha, padayyapa, maari, vip
  703. ARJUN REDDY: Kabali
  704. Ka.Elanthamizhlan: Vip Maari music engadaaaa
  705. Anoopjohn Tcs: thuppaki bgm is always Mass
  706. Harish Haris: Kaththi is better than Mankaaththa
  707. karthik 20128: Thala
  708. Sarvesh Immortel03: Bro neenga thapu pannitinga thalaiya munadi podanum
  709. andrew yuvan: Diñu mohan super ji
  710. Justin Paulose: thupakki? theri? basha? 24? bairavaa?
  711. Sumita Roy: where is lie?
  712. Udhaya Kumar: kaththi vera level BGM
  713. anilscreters anilscreters: kabali
  714. Bubesh s: mangatha da 😘😘😘
  715. surya Prasanth: Surya every movie is fucking awesome love from Andhra Pradesh 😍😍😘😘
  716. Vignesh M: Mankatha
  717. Vishal Fans Club Version -2: last um naanga dhan first um naanga dhan 😎 #yuvanfans
  718. Thillai rajan: God of BGM😎😎😎one and only U1😍😍u r rocking😘😘😘
  719. KIRAN KUMAR KETHEPALLY: where is theri, thuppaki and maari
  720. MILAN BRO: Irumugan waaa
  721. Mahadev Anil: wht about this ..
  722. Söñy Stätús Vîdéøs: Mankatha daaaa
  723. Shyam G: yuvan sir ..always u r superb ..BGM king means yuvan sir
  724. surya surya m: Thala
  725. Aaditya: actually 1st song shud be dub step theri and 2nds shud be mankatha
  726. harsharanjani Giri: Vip
  727. sri V: All I see is Yuvan.. BGM master!
  728. Kip Sare: ullas kumar sorry indha list mass bgm mattum dhaan poduvaanga
  729. THALA sabari: THALA ajith Yuvan always top
  730. Nithish Kanna: Kathi gethu
  731. Afza Ppl: wtf where s vedhalam bgm it should be there @frst
  732. Am Frk: pokkiri and thuppaki....wr it is
  733. Don Dhilip: vj thupakki bgm where
  734. Prashanth Prasha: No 3 arumugam No 2 thani oruvan No 1 any other 8 of it is...
  735. Alan Johnson: Yuvan bgm king😍😍
  736. mushraf ahamed: Mankatha da😎😎
  737. thalapathy baktháñ: su*** Vijay than Daw first me eppadi 2 ajith podalam pu*** apa 2nd Vijay podra pota thupakki lam enga daw
  738. Hiphop kowsalyan: Thani oruvan da
  739. Sreejin K.s: Aym#str??
  740. Eeee Eeee: Where is VIP dhanush
  741. Bala wukong: OMG every bgm is picture perfect for phone ringtones
  742. Shyam sundar Kalyanaraman: Lionel Venky bgm copy theri la idhula scene aa unakku
  743. teake off support technology: Thalaaa
  744. Rithi Sabari: God of bgm the one and only Mr.yuvan Shankar raja
  745. Dev anand: It's because you don't have brain..
  746. MOBILE GAMER TAMIL: Mankatha daa
  747. shriram cool: dei anil kunji theriyuthu un channel nu mooditu kelambu
  748. Priyanga Gangadharan: Kaththi Thalapathy 😎😍
  749. Shaikh Estak: Surya and Vikram best BGM
  750. Inspirational Indian: where is kokki kumar entry in vai raja vai...thats owsm bgm
  751. gunasekaran k: Where is Shivaji and Endhiran ???
  752. Thilagar 58: Mankatha thala ajith veriyan.....yuvan ❤
  753. Karthick Raja: U1 kodi parakuthu mankatha billa mass chennai 2 aarambam BGM?? kokki kumar bgm???? yuvan rockzz
  754. Razor Rao: MOVIE FREAK Glad that you add more bgms.....
  755. Molakaa kaaram: u1 mass
  756. MOVIE FREAK: guys planning to make a part-2 suggest some BGM'S I missed
  757. MyName Hero: Mostly yuvan shankar bgm
  758. Fanta City: Me
  759. Rohan 02: Irumugan
  760. Ashok dhivya: nice
  761. dinesan burusutmah: Where is theri
  762. UDHAYA KUMAR M: where is rajinikanth helicopter entrance bgm in sivaji @ A.R rahman
  763. MOVIE FREAK: +Tnesh BC
  764. Vkk rr: padayapa?
  765. Adinath Manu: Kaththi was best
  766. Raghul Suresh: Yuvan is just a piece of senseless shit compared to arr music, yuvan is highly repetitive and copied... Santhosh ghibran n arr are the present best background scorers
  767. Manya Bendkule: not added aarambam bgm
  768. Yogesh Karthi: where is thuppakki? all time trendsetter
  769. Jay Krishna: irumugan is the best
  770. Akash Singh: what is the name of 1st bgm
  771. Sri Ram: yennai arindhaal enga? but still thala 1
  772. ASWIN RC 702: King of bgm that is thalapathy Lot of superb bgm missed in these video No 1 bgm is not mangatha It is only thupakii bgm So shame of u to mised that bgm I dont like these video
  773. Swagat Bansod: i think shivaji bgm is the best
  774. Logu Govin: u1 is always mass
  775. Karthiregi Karthiregi: hip hop thamizha
  776. Jeya Prakash: Super
  777. Aravind Vallu: thala tha mass
  778. Sarat Mohan: Karthick Raja chennai 2 bgm is copied from the film apoorva sagodharangal
  779. Ajith Veriyan Siva: Thala then number 1
  780. Vishwa Sánchez: Always kaththi massive BGM
  781. Jordan 's: Anyone tell me the name of mass's movie.......plz
  782. sai krishna: Inkokkadu
  783. MOVIE FREAK: Tq for your suggestions
  784. Venteshbabu Somepalli: Sethupathi anna
  785. jithin jithu: Pokkiri raja sibiraj bgm good
  786. Ajay Sriram: true!!!!
  787. NJ onE: MANGATHA daaaaa
  788. Royal Kadai: Thala thaan kethu
  789. K.s. Kavi: Thala daaaaa
  790. Ravindran srikumar: thalaaaaaaaaaaaa d
  791. Azeem Azeez: bgm king yuvan
  792. MOVIE FREAK: This video is made before the release of Vikram vedha
  793. hello guys: 2:59
  794. polur Thala boys: Kaththi ya oram kattunga. mass ,irumugan bgm s R better. than kathi 😢😢
  795. pushpa veni: that is vijay
  796. sri maddy: Santhosh narayanan👏👏👏👌👌👌
  797. Vipvenkat Venkatesh: Sunni maari eruku
  798. jack sparrow: where 24
  799. Satyam Kumar: Where is the Mari swag
  800. thiyagarajan R: ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன் BGM கேட்டு இருக்கிறீர்களா....Ji....GV Prakash Kumar
  801. vardharajan R: My Ranking 1 anirudh 2yuvan 3 Harris for creating bgms
  802. Charan Kumar: Where is thuppaki map scene
  803. Thilagar 58: Yogesh Karthi athu copy da
  804. Raja Sekar: hip pop tamilan bgm is a mass
  805. 50 subs without vedios challenge: At the end Dq charlie 🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪💪💪
  806. jack sparrow: Mass suryaaaaaaaaaa
  807. laxman lax: most of the BGM Yuvan kollywood King
  808. Error 0.0: Love kaththi bro
  809. Aflan Sha: Diñu mohan semma yuvan always in form thala yuvan real rockstar bro
  810. SuReSh R: kaththi is best bgm in tamil movies
  811. bharath220298 bharath220298: Better telugu top ten bgm
  812. pulsar karthi: Thala bgm than firstu mass thala
  813. Kavi Ganesh: Thala mass
  814. Yuvaraj Yuvaraj: Gotta
  815. BML memes: Yuvan always mass
  816. Mohamed Ismail: vijay vijay king
  817. Mohad Asif: wher is maari
  818. Gowtham Ki ng: VIP maari etc.. enga
  819. Siva Ram: thala billa is first
  820. MOVIE FREAK: Acinomyx2693 will try to do better bro, maybe you can suggest something for the next series
  821. VIRAL VIDEOS: hi nee Ajith fan thana
  822. karthi da: Kathakali whistle
  823. Rajeev thykkallur: Which one u like most??
  824. clasher Vicky: u1 is the best bgm maker
  825. Shive 50: honestly kaththi is no 1 not mangatha
  826. Abbaz Salim: super and correct order
  827. truthseeker369: MOVIE FREAK Anytime, man. Keep going 💪
  828. ZetaB ZZZ: Kathi, Mankatha, Thani oruvan, Kabali
  829. laxman lax: Iru mugan not a good bgm
  830. Md.shakil hawlader: thalA is boss
  831. Hari haran: Yuvan dha maaasssssssss
  832. Rasith Ahamed: Vj
  833. Vishnu Kn216: Fan based selection
  834. Veeramani Kandan: Thuppakki them
  835. Tamil whatsap status videos T W S: always u1raja bgms
  836. AJIN MATHEW: thalada
  837. Siva Sankar: #Mangatha 1st Place #Billa 6th Place #Mass 7th Place #Chennai_2 10th Place #BGM_KING_U1 💪
  838. Lokesh S: Thala and yuvan mass
  839. first name: NXT tym tik tik tik & miruthan U1 Mankatha😍😍😍😍
  840. A Y S Saran: Jilla eanga
  841. Tulasi Mani: Mangathada..
  842. Sarat Mohan: madhavan M correct
  843. santhoshvsekar: dei naaye VIP engada potta
  844. Sathishkumar Jothi: . No1 eppothume mankaththa thaan u1 thala mass
  845. althaf shafeek: Kaththi
  846. Anbu M: mangathadaaaaa
  847. jack sparrow: Masss💗💗💗
  848. Sai Venkatesh G: where is theri
  849. National Talkies: exact truth
  850. karthi k: Thala rocks
  851. Abhishek Abhi: Katthi n mankatha 😍😍😍😍
  852. Mass Praveen: surya mass da
  853. Hari haran: always uvan rockzzzz
  854. hari prasath: 24
  855. Hemalatha M: thani oruvan
  856. Fredric Michael: Mersal bgm would ve first
  857. goals_maker 2.0: thupaki anga da
  858. Pgkp Prabu: mangaatha is best
  859. ROMAN REIGNS: thala and u1 always masss
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Film & Animation Mankatha Upload TimePublished on 25 Apr 2017

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